Is CBD Safe For Kids?

We’ve discussed at length in previous posts how CBD can be an effective treatment for inflammation, depression, psoriasis, and arthritis, among other conditions. But what about CBD for children? As a parent, you would do anything to improve your child’s lifestyle, even if it meant exploring alternative treatment options. Let’s discuss the safety of CBD…

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How CBD Oil Can Help With Psoriasis

There are few skin disorders more frustrating than psoriasis. The redness, the itchiness, the soreness — it all adds up to constant discomfort and a lack of confidence. In this post, we want to discuss how CBD oil can help alleviate the symptoms of this autoimmune disease. An Overview Of Psoriasis According to Healthline, there…

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5 Myths About CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) continues to gain traction in the U.S. and for good reason. Unfortunately, with this new wealth of information pertaining to CBD, it can be difficult to decipher fact from fiction. At CBDaily, we want to bring some clarification to the matter so you can feel comfortable purchasing CBD products. Here are five misconceptions…

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How CBD Helps With Arthritis

You know the pain of arthritis all too well. Whether your symptoms include swelling, joint pain, fatigue, and/or difficulty sleeping, the reality is that arthritis prevents you from living your best life. Sure, you’ve tried over-the-counter medications and topicals but nothing seems to work. This is where CBD oil comes into play. Recent research indicates…

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How CBD Oil Helps With Depression

You aren’t alone in your struggle with depression. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, nearly one in 12 U.S. adults reports having depression-related symptoms. Whether you were diagnosed last week or last year, you know just how debilitating the disorder can be. Depression certainly isn’t a condition that just goes away on its…

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How CBD Oil Helps With Chronic Pain

You’re all too familiar with chronic pain. For years, maybe you were able to get by with daily doses of an over-the-counter product. Recently, though, the pain has worsened and ibuprofen will no longer do the job. As bad as things may seem, you aren’t alone in your battle with pain management. Many people just…

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What to Know Before Giving Your Child CBD Oil

As a parent, you would do anything to improve your child’s well-being. Let’s say, for a moment, that your son or daughter was recently diagnosed with autism or ADHD. Perhaps their physician prescribed some sort of medication but it’s yet to really have a positive impact. What would you do in a situation like this?…

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How to Choose the Right CBD Oil

It’s no secret the CBD industry is booming. As we’ve mentioned in previous posts, medical cannabis can be an effective remedy for inflammation, anxiety, psoriasis, arthritis, and other conditions. However, with the number of CBD oils out there, how do you really know which one is right for your needs? Here are five tips for…

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Little Known Facts About CBD Oil

Maybe you already know some of the basics about CBD — it’s a therapeutic component of cannabis that is used for a number of purposes. Perhaps you even know someone who uses CBD for a condition such as autism, anxiety, ADHD, arthritis, or psoriasis. In this post, we thought it would be beneficial to go…

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Welcome to Our Blog!

Whether you’re a previous customer or just came across our site for the first time, we want to welcome you to CBDaily! At CBDaily, we have a passion for bringing the finest sourced, CBD-infused products to customers who need it most. Keep reading as we take an initial look at CBD, explain how pure CBD…

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